Principal's Message

By Jenny Hassett

End of Term

Just a reminder that Term 1 finishes on Thursday 6th April 2023 at 2.30pm.  School returns on Monday 24th April at 9am. Please note that Tuesday 25th Aprilis a public holiday for ANZAC Day. It seems a little strange to come back for one day and then have a holiday for ANZAC Day, but that is how the calendar fell. 

I hope everyone has a great holiday and are able to enjoy some quality family time together.

If you are travelling please take care and rest up every few hours.



We also have two children that competed in the Athletics State Championships a couple of weeks ago. Xander Mitchell placed 2nd in the Javelin event and Lenix Witney placed 1st in the walk event. Congratulations on such a huge achievement.


Batesford Assembly

Last Friday we held our first Batesford Assembly and what a fantastic job the students did. It was great to see the confidence they were able to show in front of their peers. I , like Pat and Alesha, were extremely proud of all the students- I am sure we have a number of future leaders in the making. Great job everyone.

Prep Enrolments and Tours

Enrolments for 2024 Preps have begun and there has been plenty of early interest. If you have a sibling of a current student needing enrolment next year then we ask that this is submitted as soon as possible to give us a clear indication of potential numbers and class sizes. 


As I have a new grandchild (my first and probably only!), I am taking a few days off in the last week of term to fly to the USA. In my absence Daniel Chittenden will be Acting Principal. Please see Daniel with any concerns or questions.


Broad brimmed hats are compulsory in Terms 1 and 4. Please make sure you store them somewhere safe at the end of this term so they are easily accessible for Term 4.

During Terms 2 and 3 Students can wear navy beanies to keep their heads warm. Beanies with the school logo are available online or from the school office for $10. Coloured and football beanies are for wearing over the weekends and not for school times.

School Camps in 2023/2024

Sadly, we will be unable to conduct a School Camp in 2023. Rising costs and the new Union Agreement which includes provision for all staff to be paid time in lieu and on duty allowances for out of hours and supervision at night would make the camp costs out of the reach for many families.

Many schools are in the same position as us and are waiting and observing what will unfold as the year progresses. This matter was discussed at School Council last night and it was decided that Rollins will do the same. 

In 2023 it has been decided that each grade will have additional excursions for the students. These will provide a number of enjoyable and educational experiences during this year. In 2024 we will hold a Grade 5/6 camp and work hard to keep costs to a reasonable limit and give parents as much forewarning as possible as to the costs involved.

I know this is disappointing to students , staff and parents, as our camping program has been extremely valuable over the past years. Our staff have always been more than willing to put their families on hold and voluntarily offer to be part of our Camping Program.



Once again enjoy the upcoming holidays and come back ready for an exciting term!

Jenny Hassett