Reflections on Faith 

From the desk of the Religious Education Coordinator - Miss McMeniman

Sacrament of First Holy Communion


We will be celebrating the Sacrament of First Holy Communion on the 21st October at 6:00pm. We have some students who will be receiving the Sacrament at this Mass. Students have been attending weekend Mass and going to Catechesis sessions with Father Gleeson, and also meeting with Father Gleeson following whole school Masses. We wish the following students all the best as they make their final preparations towards completing their Sacrament of First Holy Communion:

Phoebe Newberry, Charlie Schalk, India Williamson, Harley McPhillips, Hallie Parish and Maggie Doust. 

India will also be receiving her Sacrament of Confirmation at this Mass. 

Father Gleeson's Retirement Mass

Father Gleeson is retiring at the end of October. To celebrate his wonderful contributions to both the priesthood and to Glen Innes there are two masses to be held in his honour. The first is Sunday 15th October and the second Monday 16th October. 

On Monday 16th October, our entire school community will attend mass, where priests from across the diocese will gather. 

We invite our extended school community to join us on this mementos day.