Principal's Report

Thoughts from our Principal - Mr Geoff McManus

Success in any and every field of endeavour is founded purely and simply on HARD WORK. A casual scan of any biography or interview with successful people invariably provides solid commentary about their “hard work” day in and day out that allowed them to achieve personal and team success. Here at St Joseph’s we routinely set those expectations of our children, both in the classroom, on the sporting field and in our cultural endeavours like Choir and Public Speaking. The relentlessness we put into our daily learning for improved outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy reaps valued rewards such as our PM Benchmarking standards. Currently, across the school, two-thirds of our children are already at age-appropriate benchmarks for their reading and we still have one term of improvement remaining. A fine example of hard work and great learning success at St Joseph’s Glen Innes!


Congratulations to our inaugural winners of the St Joseph’s Public Speaking Cup and sub-categories. As an intentional vehicle to enhance and encourage the positive life skill of confident public speaking, the inaugural event on Friday 8 September was a huge success. I offer public thanks to our guests, Father Gleeson, Mary Corcorran and Kerry Muir for both judging and presenting the medals and Public Speaking Cup. The high calibre of speeches made it challenging for the judges, however, I am pleased to officially record the finalists and winners below. Well done everyone!


Kindergarten Finalists - Ted Brummell (absent), Pollyanna Clark, Ted Smith and Kelly Stanton.


2023 Kerry Muir Medal - Kelly Stanton


Stage 1 Finalists - Eleanor Brummell, Lewis Masterson and Sam Stephens


2023 Mary Corcorran Medal - Eleanor Brummell


Stage 2 Finalists - Felicity Adams, Isabel Arandale and Sam Barratt


2023 Teresa Creighton Medal - Felicity Adams


Stage 3 - Danyela Bailey, Mya Key and Ella Teinaki


2023 Public Speaking Cup Winner - Mya Key


Congratulations to all of our Term 3 Attendance Certificate winners today. Over 65% of our school population received certificates that valued attendance at or above 90%. Figures like these emphasise a positive and committed approach to learning. Well done children!

100% Attendance and a Super Strawberry Voucher - 26 children. 95% Attendance - 37 children. 90% Attendance - 28 children.


On behalf of our strong staff team of skilful helpful adults, I wish all families a safe and relaxing holiday period. If you are travelling, enjoy our beautiful country and we look forward to another term of hard work and high achievement as we work in partnership to make our good school -great!


Term 4 begins on Monday 9 October from 9 am.


Until next time.


May God go with you.

Geoff McManus
