Principal News

Dr Penny Ludicke

Dear Marian Catholic College Community,


There are only two weeks left in a very busy first term indeed! Last Friday (March 17th), the College acknowledged the Feast Day of St Patrick with Gaelic football matches and cake stalls featuring green cupcakes and other treats. This week saw the Year 7 and 9 students complete the final sessions of 2023 Naplan as well as the first round of Transition visits for Year 6 students. Included in the events line up have been sporting events, Fifita Cup and a visit to CSU for a group of  Year 11 and 12 students. Next week includes inter school Netball in Wagga and CCC Football in Bathurst. We are grateful to all leaders, teachers and staff and thank them for their work in leading and planning these events, in addition to the daily classroom learning and activities. 

We are coming up to Harmony Day -celebrated by MCC next Friday March 31. Students and teachers are planning food stalls as well as many performances and fundraising events. A special mention and thank you here to Mr Gabriel Abdala and Mrs Sanita Lole for their overall organisation of Harmony Day, celebrating the strengths and gifts of our many vibrant and diverse cultures.


Marian Catholic College hosts the Youth Mass in the Marcellin Hall adjacent to the College Chapel this Sunday 26th of March at 9am. We invite all to join us there.


Parents will have been advised of arrangements this term for feedback on how your child is progressing. The sessions are available on Wednesday April 5th from 3.45 to 7 through the booking sheet from Compass. If you want feedback and are unable to attend a zoom at this time, please contact the teacher to organise an alternative. This might include reaching out via email or requesting a short phone conversation at a mutually convenient time.


Included this week is information about how parents can best connect with the school regarding any concerns they may have. Also included are contact information resources for any member of the community who might seek additional support around wellbeing matters. Never ever hesitate to reach out if this is needed.


School Contact Guide

For non-urgent inquiries or matters regarding your child’s learning or pastoral care: reach out to teachers during the school term-Monday to Friday-between the hours of 8.30-4.30. Generally teachers will respond within a 48 hour period.


Learning and Academic Progress:

Contact the subject teacher first then the KLA leader for more complex inquiries or concerns.


Attendance, Pastoral and Wellbeing inquiries:

Contact the Home-room teacher regarding matters like attendance or for general information.

Contact the Pastoral Year Coordinator for concerns around wellbeing or more complex matters.


For more information about specific issues:

Curriculum and Subject Selection: Curriculum Coordinator-Mr John Seers

Careers and Pathways Advice: Mrs Ema Munro

Vocational Education and Training: Mrs Lucia Dickie

Learning Support: Mrs Angela Morris and Mrs Michelle Swan

  • Complex concerns or complaints that have not been resolved may be referred to the appropriate members of the College Leadership team or school counsellor. 
  • Urgent matters should be directed to College Reception and/or the Assistant Principal or Principal.
  • College Reception Staff are always available to assist you with general inquiries @ 69692400

Wellbeing Support

You can call these crisis lines 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Further information for support can be found in this link from the NSW Health Site-LINK


Dr Penny Ludicke
