Learning and Teaching 

Learning is not a secret, and our learners are exploring what it means to be self assessable. Some of our year levels are creating ‘BUMP it up walls,’ where examples of writing at the expected levels, according to the Victorian Curriculum, are displayed for learners to assess their own writing. Teachers provide feedback and help the learner to determine their next step or goal using the examples and curriculum on the ‘BUMP it up Wall’.



Year 2

In Investigations, our Year Two students have been exploring the communities we belong to. We have identified what makes us unique and recorded what community groups we are a part of. 


In Literacy, our students have just completed a unit on letter writing. They have focused on informal letters that they have written to their teachers, friends and characters from stories. Students have had the opportunity to write on envelopes and ‘post’ them in our Year Two postbox.


Year 5

In Religious Education, Year Five has been reflecting on how, as individuals, we can transform from the actions of our Lenten Promise.

Father Novie visited and unpacked Lent further with the students. He discussed how ‘giving up’ things that are not materialistic will bring about the greatest transformation. In our learning community, the students’ Lenten Promises (feet) lead up to a ‘tree of transformation’ on which the students reflect on how they will transform during Lent.

Some beautiful examples are:

“During Lent I will transform into a more caring person”

“During Lent I will transform into a better friend”

“During Lent I will transform into a calmer, more responsible person.”


Harmony Day