Catholic Identity

Enhancing Catholic Identity Survey

A news article was circulated via Compass yesterday, with details regarding a Victoria wide, Catholic Identity Survey. We require 68 families to participate and those who complete the survey will go into a draw to win a grocery voucher. It’s a great chance to give insight and thoughts on our Catholicity. Your opinions will help drive improvements and growth at our St. Mary’s school.


Holy Week 

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, the 2nd of April. The students in all year levels have been learning about the events of this week. The Year 5 & 6 students are busy preparing role plays that reenact the Gospel stories. Students from Prep to 4 will be able to see these Sacred Scriptures reencated on Tuesday the 4th of April. Parents are also warmly welcome. Please see flyer below for details


Our St. Mary’s Parish Invites You

On the 30th of May at 11 am our St. Mary’s Parish is having a special Feast Day Mass, honouring our Lady of Good Counsel - Mary! The Bishop of our Sandhurst Diocese, Bishop Shane, will be saying Mass along with Fr. Novie. We hope to have a jumping Castle, face painting and the debut of our St. Mary’s Choir. The Year One students will also be singing at the Mass, prior to the celebration. 



St. Mary’s Social Justice

Recently it has come to St. Mary’s Parishs Social Justice Team that Sri- Lankin families are very much struggling at the moment. Food packages are being sent to Sri Lankin orphanages and families on April the 5th. Families have the opportunity to donate to help this cause.









God of all generations,

We thank you for those who have gone before us,

Especially those who have cared for your Earth and

Who inspire us to help respect your creation and

Contribute to its healing.


We thank you for those with whom we share our lives today,

Especially those who work for justice and peace.

May we welcome the opportunity that the season of Lent brings us,

To walk more closely with you,

Especially through fasting, prayer and giving to those in need.


We thank you for challenging us to think about future generations.

May the cross of Jesus remind us that only love finds the way forward.

As we walk with big hearts, may we join with our Saint, Mary in her hope,

That from now on all generations will experience,

The great things you will do through us.

We ask this in Jesus’ name.


(Adapted from Caritas Australia - Project Compassion Prayer)

Fundraising for Caritas Australia

Our Project Compassion Campaign is up and running with Easter egg donations coming into school, raffle tickets being sold and each Friday walking laps of the soccer pitch. Thank you all for your generous contributions. The raffle will be drawn on the morning of Wednesday the 5th of April and announced at Our Family BBQ.