Mrs Ryan's Fortnightly Reflections

The last fortnight at St Mary’s has been a true learning community, from Staff Professional learning, to NAPLAN for our Year 3 and 5 students, to our well attended Parent Information session for our Restorative Practices & Restorative Teaching. It has been a blessing to be able to see celebrations of achievement, intrinsic motivation to want to know more and to be better! I am so proud of our whole school community right now. 


This week we had Real Schools, Kirsty Lush visit our classrooms. She spent time planning what is next with Leadership and shared some deep learning with our parents. It is affirming to know that this learning journey is supporting authentic relationships within our school and developing lifelong skills in both the adults and students of how to respectfully problem solve. Kirsty was informative in sharing strategies and approaches with our staff and families and engaged with many students during her visit. The recorded session for our families will soon be made available for those who would like to view it. Yesterday I shared a letter with all families which provides a summary of the parent session. I thank all parents who joined us. St Mary’s is committed to this approach and we look forward to nurturing our positive school culture with our staff, students and parents. 


Well done to our Year 3 and 5 students who did so well in their mindset and approach to NAPLAN. NAPLAN can be a daunting experience however our students held themselves so well, tackled the tasks with a positive mindset and felt very proud of their efforts. Thank you to the staff for all of their preparations and support in completing NAPLAN this year. Families will receive results and supporting information of how to best understand your child’s data in the near future. St Mary’s uses the collective data to affirm great practice and plan for targeted school improvement. 


Travel to and from school continues to be of great concern at the moment and we are still experiencing many students leaving, returning and not accessing their designated bus. If a child leaves the school and walks to the following bus stop, for example Echuca College, the bus does have the right to deny travel. As parents we all agree to conditions of travel and a code of conduct and this would be a breach. This week I met with several managers of our bus companies who would welcome improved behaviour and commitment to agreed conduct from the parents and students of St Mary’s. Miss Adelia is working with our bus travellers and bus companies to try and improve this. Please find continued information around travel included in this newsletter. 


Thank you to the families who have already completed the Google form informing St Mary’s of a sibling starting school in 2023. It is hard to imagine we are already tabling Foundation enrollment for 2023 when we have just started this year. Starting school takes great preparation and organisation and we appreciate your prompt response. For families yet to complete the form, it can be found on Compass. We look forward to supporting you with this special time with your family!  


As of today, I am on Long Service Leave. I will return to St Mary’s on Tuesday 4th April and look forward to ending the term with everyone, hopefully seeing many of you at our Community BBQ & Easter celebration. In my absence, Sarah Kilborn and Adelia Muldoon will be leading our school community. All other members of the leadership team are here to support the community if needed. 


I wish everyone a fabulous final few weeks of the term. 


God Bless, 


Jasmine Ryan
