House Leaders

From the House Leaders


Each Tuesday and Thursday, students are in Mentor groups, mixed with Years 7 - 12 in House groups. This is a new and exciting structure at the College, as we work together to develop our House identity, work on individual goal-setting and build relationships with our peers in different year groups and our Mentor teachers. 


Over the next few weeks, students are being encouraged to be generous and compassionate, bringing in food items for our Jesuit Social Services Food Drive.

We held our first House meetings in Week 4, led by our Year 12 Student House Leaders which were a great success. This week, students will get a chance to vote on elements of their House identity, including the House motto and the House mascot that will form part of the official House crest! Watch this space!




The Wellbeing Week is an opportunity for students in Stage 4 to engage with a variety of skills and help them to develop their understanding of key issues and topics that affect our young people.


In ‘Manage Me Mondays’ students have focused on the use of their school diary as an organisational tool, as well as using the Google Suite, such as Google Drive, Google Calendar and Google Keep, to organise their work, tasks and deadlines. This week there has also been a focus on avoiding procrastination and how to ‘Eat an Elephant,’ aka breaking down a task in manageable chunks, and ‘Ignoring the singing sirens’ aka distractions!


In Wellbeing Wednesday, there has been a focus on the ‘Positive Relationships’ element of our Positive Psychology model. Students have engaged in activities around ‘Empathy,’ and how this can improve our relationships with others.


On the students' favourite day, ‘Feel Good Friday,’ they love the alternating week of competing against other Houses in activities such as basketball or cricket, or the mindfulness activities such as meditation and stretching that really set them up for success for the rest of the day! See them in action in the photos below.