Grevillea House

Hello, my name is Zahra and I'm in Year 11.
I'm in Grevillea House and the SRCs including myself have been planning a charity donation. We decided to partner up and go across every House in the school to explain and give information about our charity to the students as well as the teachers to give them a better understanding about what, why and how we are doing it.
My teacher said that this year is our first time returning onsite for Term 3 since the Covid outbreak started. That hit me and honestly I didn't know how to react. In the present, it feels like time is passing by slowly, but when you look back, you realise how quickly time has passed.
In the second week, I went to ski camp. It was for 5 days and it was amazing. I'm so grateful that I got to go and experience it and make memories. It will stick with me for the rest of my life because I had the best time ever. I'd like to thank Mr Anderson and Mrs Le Lievre for making it possible and organising everything for us.
My goal for the rest of the year is to help our school in any way that I can, help organise the charity donation with my House, do well in my subjects, and do my best to help my team to make the International Week festival possible.
Zahra S
Year 11 SRC
Grevillea House