Eucalyptus House

Welcome back to Term 3 Eucalyptans!
It’s absolutely amazing to see everyone settle back into the routine of coming to school. Can you believe it’s term 3 already?! Just saying it aloud feels strange! We hope you all have had a wonderful and restful break. We’re sure you are all on the edge of your seat to see what this term has in store for us all!
Last term, the Eucalyptus SRC team put together a Teachers VS Students dodgeball tournament to help raise funds for the UN World Food Programme which was a great success! The SRC team is working diligently to put together some more fun and fresh activities that you can all enjoy and partake in.
As the cold weather sets in, we hope you are all keeping warm and staying home if you are sick or feeling unwell. It is also highly encouraged to wear your masks indoors. Welcome back and let all that you do, be done in love.
Madina M
Year 11 SRC
Eucalyptus House