From the Principal

I would like to welcome back all our students, parents and staff to Term 3, 2022. A special welcome to our newly enrolled students and their families.
As you will be aware, we began Semester 2 with a focus on behaviour expectations and uniform. I would like to thank all our families for their support, as the improvement in uniform has been significant and students in all year levels are looking fantastic. Our attention expands next week to addressing those who come late to school and miss important learning opportunities. Information will go out via Compass soon regarding our “Don’t Waste a Minute” campaign, that we will launch on Monday. Families of those students who arrive late to school will be contacted by their House Leadership team and will develop a strategy with us and their child about how we ensure they attend school on time.
I would like to congratulate all Senior students who attended the Year 12 Dinner at the Lincoln on Toorak on Friday 15th July. It was incredibly special to celebrate not only their final year at Dandenong High School, but the resilience and courage they have demonstrated during the pandemic to reach this point in their education. Their behaviour during the evening was outstanding and it was a pleasure for staff to marvel at their beautiful outfits and connect with them as “people”. Something we have been unable to do for the last two years.
Thank you to all Year 10 parents who attended the Pathways information session last week. Attendance was high, engagement was strong, and we had some excellent questions regarding the implementation of the Victorian Senior Certificate. Parents are invited to attend their child’s Course Counselling interview which begin this week. Alternatively, they can contact the House Leadership team, or the Careers team in Jacaranda, if they want to discuss the process further.
Finally, there are many things for us to look forward to in coming weeks. Parent Teacher interviews take place on Thursday 11th August. I would encourage all parents to book a phone or onsite appointment to discuss their child’s progress with teachers. Booking information will be communicated soon, as will parent guidelines on how to make the most of the conversation. The School Production will be taking place on the 2nd to 3rd September. As this is the first time in two years that we have been able to hold a “live performance”, I encourage you to save the date, and lock in when you can come and see the show. This year Sherlock Holmes, “Hound of the Baskervilles”, is shaping to be one of the best yet.
As always, I am proud to be the Principal of Dandenong High School.
Mrs Susan Ogden