LRC News

Poetry in the Library
The lunchtime Poetry Reading Sessions in the Library are an opportunity to draw attention to our common humanity and give voice to budding poets in our school community. We might come from many different cultures and backgrounds from around the world but deep down we share the same feelings, concerns and emotions.
Sabeera and Ethrath hosted our final session for Term 2 on Thursday 23rd June. To the great delight of the beautiful audience, there were over fifteen poets mostly presenting their own original poems. Included in that line-up were members of staff, Mr Collins and Ms Maree, who shared poems of their own. Everyone agreed it was the perfect occasion and that we wanted more like this to take place the rest of the year.
Two Magical Weeks of Harry Potter in the Library!
Proclamation and Educational Decree No. 1 – You must love Harry Potter and celebrate two whole weeks in the Library. All must participate with the utmost joy and abandon or risk punishment. As referred to Dandenong High School Library by the Ministerial Management of Magical Mayhem Act.
So we have you covered in the Library. Harry Potter’s birthday celebrations are in full swing. Our spaces have transformed into the magical world of Hogwarts, courtesy of wonderful displays organised by TLAs. As I write to you, we can hear students’ laughter coming from the magical photo booth in Azkaban (a meeting room in the Library) as students dress up in Hogwarts robes, happily point cute props and take pictures with their friends. Looking at the photos, it’s hard not to smile.
Our plans over the two magical weeks include a scavenger hunt and lunchtime workshops led by Ms Maree for students to learn to write Harry Potter style and complete their own letters to Hogwarts.
Seven teams battled against the Dark Arts in our Harry Potter Trivia Competition at lunchtime on Wednesday 27th July. Congratulations to the muggles, witches and wizards from Dumbledore’s Underpants, Gryffindor Girls, Order of Dandenong, Gryffindor Nerds and Dumbledore’s Army for participating so well and making our Harry Potter celebration such a success. At the end, the winning team of the competition was a tie between The Muslim Muggles and Hogwarts' Muggleborn Association. Congratulations also to our student hosts and judges. Prizes were precious gold ingots from Gringott’s Wizarding Bank that magically turned into chocolate as winners departed the Library. Thank you to all for the magical memories of mayhem and laughter.
We love Harry Potter in the Library and we hope we can inspire you to love J K Rowling’s magical stories too. If you haven’t read the series come to the Library and borrow the books in print. We have many copies available and there is always someone here to help you get started. Or if you prefer online, visit here to try one of our eBooks and/or audiobooks.
We wish you all Happy Harry Potter Weeks!
Mrs Papazoglou
Library Manager