Parents & Friends

Jenny Gill

Parents and Friends


Mothers Day Stall

We had very happy and excited customers last week purchasing goodies for their special mum's, grandmothers and carers in their lives at the Mothers Day stall. It was a lovely chance for our considered shoppers to reflect on what their mum's like (and a few purchases on what they might like too!). I for one have never seen so many bath bombs at my house!! Thank you so much to everyone involved in making this very special event happen. 


Election Day BBQ and Bake Stall



We are running a fundraiser at Trinity on Election Day, Saturday 21st May.

This is an important event for the school as it is a chance to capitalize on the captured public for fundraising instead of targeting our own school parents who already contribute immensely. 


Additionally it is positive advertising for the school when the local community sees that the school has an active and engaged family community who contribute to school wellbeing by volunteering for such events.


We are a small school with a diverse cultural and social background. We recognise that every family has different circumstances and volunteering time is difficult between family, work and sporting commitments etc. So any time, baked food contribution, set-up, set-down, moral support! you can give will be incredible.


Sausage Sizzle

We still need volunteers to help run the bbq during the day. Please put your hand up, even if it's for an hour. Archie Dorin is coordinating this. 


Cake Stall

A call for all bakers!!!!!!  All baked goods need to be wrapped either in paper food bags or plastic bags (Lombards on Bridge Road sell all these). I will need a full list of ingredients which will be displayed on the stall on the day. Nothing that needs to be refrigerated on the day please. Brownies, cupcakes, anzacs, ginger biscuits are always popular. 

We also need assistance manning the cake stall over the day. Sophie Issa is going to coordinate this and put together a roster for the day.  


If you can assist us with either/both/all! please contact me and I'll point you in the right direction. We desperately need your help, I thank you in advance. 





Election Day