Year 12 Sociology

Year 12 Sociology – A taste of social research!


Our Unit 3 Sociology students were social researchers last week as they led a group interview session with staff from across the college. Tying in with our current Area of Study on culture and ethnicity, staff members gave up their time to participate in our in-class panel interviews to discuss their ethnic and cultural backgrounds, and share their experiences of inclusion and belonging as first- or second-generation migrants to Australia.


The day gave students hands-on experience with primary research, with students taking on responsibility for critical tasks like collecting informed consent, auditing our methodology to ensure it met ethical guidelines, interviewing participants and taking detailed notes while adhering to the principles of privacy and confidentiality. The results of the research will inform our students’ work throughout this topic, as well as being used for evidence in our AOS 2 SAC and end of year exam.


A big thank you to our staff research participants: Chloe Barraza, Sindhu Kumar, Mele Ngahe, Shah Ortell, Anna Pengelly, Dougy Petley, Fatima Ramadan. We thoroughly appreciate you giving up your time and sharing your stories with such honesty!


Sophie, Rachel, and the Unit 3 Sociology students