Studio Arts Excursion

On the 17th of May both Studio Arts classes had the opportunity to visit the National Galleries in Victoria. We visited the NGV International and the NGV Australia. Both galleries included amazing artworks of all different genres and styles. 


The NGV International had an exceptional ‘Queer’ exhibition that was bright and colourful and had extremely powerful messages. Alongside this was its current focus which was pottery and furniture from different decades and places that detailed the distinctions in house decoration between places of the world. 


The NGV Australia resonated with students as we were given the opportunity to look at the art created by VCE students in 2021, displayed in the galleries for the public to see. 


Ingrid, our presenter, was a great help in answering questions on how to achieve something in the Arts and what curators are looking for in order to give students the best chance of getting in. Taking it a step further we got down and personal and even got to check out the folios that got these artists a spot in the NGV in the first place. 


It was kinda cool :)


Dora Milic - 12K