Term 2 Student Panel

On Wednesday 18th May, all TSC staff attended a panel discussion on student wellbeing, led by students from Years 10, 11 and 12. The Student Voice team shared the data from a school-wide survey on student well being, and the student panellists shared their own perspectives on their experiences of well being at our school. The students spoke honestly and eloquently, and staff benefited from the unique opportunity to hear from a diverse group of student voices on a range of issues across the school.


Thank you to our panellists for giving up their time and speaking so honestly at this opportunity.


Year 10:

Aateka Nadeem

Mananshi Sharma

Miracle Taamilosaga


Year 11:

Flynn Becker

Kiara Huynh

Alphoncine Jule

Kaylin Stanton

Juhee Uday


Year 12:

Maanha Manzur

Marwa Melhem

Jacobi Moengaroa