Principal's Report

College Teaching and Learning Report


As we near the end of Semester 1 and with the culmination of final topics and new learning we enter a period of consolidation, reflection, preparation for semester examinations, continuation of Unit 4 for Year 12 VCE students and Structured Workplace Learning for our Year 11 and Year 12 VCAL cohorts.


Semester Examinations

All Year 10 and Year 11 VCE students will be undertaking Examinations for their subjects from Wednesday June the 8th till Thursday June 16th. Examinations are an important part of students’ academic studies with a focus not only on achievement, but also the development of the required skills and strategies to undertake this type of assessment. Examination and semester review week will conclude our final week of term, students and teachers will work together to provide feedback and learning of performance, areas of strength and improvement and general advice on any skills for study, preparation and during an examination.


VCAL Structured Workplace Learning

Structured Workplace Learning (SWL) is a valuable opportunity for a VCAL student to integrate on-the-job training with their VET program and their potential pathway interest. Year 11 and Year 12 VCAL students will undertake a 2-week SWL with Year 11’s beginning on Monday 30th of May till Friday 10th June while the Year 12’s begin on Tuesday 14th June and end on Friday 24th June. Students and teachers have been actively calling and seeking placements from a range of employers. This has built on student confidence and skills in communication.


Year 10 Work Experience 

All Year 10 students will have the opportunity to engage in a week of Work Experience. Students are being supported by teachers to develop the skills required to communicate, organise, and participate in a placement linked to their areas of interest. Work Experience week will run from Monday 20th June and end on Friday 24th June.



Compass is the College’s main form of communication to students and families for all information, events, academic achievement, and engagement in learning. It is essential that parents/guardians have access to Compass on a mobile or laptop device to ensure we can maintain ongoing communication. Our Semester Reports will be made available on Friday 24th June.


In summary, it has been a welcomed return to onsite teaching and learning. We continue to live through our purpose of creating an environment where we collaboratively challenge and pursue learning through:

  • Integrity – Believing in yourself and those around you 
  • Innovation – Applying knowledge and skills in new and creative ways 
  • Focus – Pursuing your chosen pathways and goals

Reardo Luka

Assitant Principal