Curriculum, Assessment & Teaching & Learning 3

Steve Sirrals

Curriculum, Assessment & Teaching & Learning



Woodmans Hill have completed the Year 7 and 9 NAPLAN tests for 2022, with only catch up tests to occur next week. Across the state of Victoria, 1,041,300 tests have been submitted with 604 tests submitted by Woodmans Hill students.

Those students who need to submit a catch up test, will do so next week with Mr Ross. The VCAA have extended the date for all schools for catch up NAPLAN tests due to the impact that COVID has had over the last 2 weeks.


The students in Year 7 and 9 have treated the NAPLAN tests with the respect that they deserve, ensuring that they followed all set rules and were respectful of others completing test.


It’s important to acknowledge the work of so many staff that worked diligently behind the scenes to ensure our students had the best opportunity to do their best, practically Tim Ross, Stef Sharkey, Damien Beard and Naiden Borg. However, these things take a community, with many staff helping set up after school each day, move classes so the computer rooms were available and adapt lessons taking into account with the impact NAPLAN had on a standard day of learning.



Exams are fast approaching for out cohort. A reminder that the exam times are:

Year 10 and Year 11 exams – Week 6 (30/5 – 3/6)

Year 7, 8 and 9 exams - Week 7 (6/6 – 10/6)

Year 12 exams - Holidays week 1 (27/7 – 1/7)

Year 10, 11 and 12 exam timetables are located on Compass. Year 7, 8 and 9 class exam timetables will be published in week 5.



Semester 1 Reports will published on 22/6. Learning Task feedback continues to be available on Compass throughout the term.Steve Sirrals