Star of the Week

Term 2 - Week 3
Foundation/Year 1
Mr Enright:
Isabella Romer for doing fantastic listening on the floor and great reading.
Miss Turk:
Nasir Elnour for always presenting his work neatly and
his consistent enthusiasm towards learning. Well done!
Miss Casey:
Iziah Egan for always trying his hardest with all his work. Great job Iziah!
Miss Finn:
Victoria Cerepi for showing her excellent counting skills. Keep it up Victoria!
Years 1/2
Mr Almond:
Sajad Ahmadi for his consistency in being enthusiastic and ready to learn in all activities.
Mrs Jones:
Louie Carrafa for showing resilience and trying his best to have a go at all school activities throughout the day
Mr Cameron:
Mia Wright for her fantastic focus and determination when solving
addition problems in Mathematics!
Mr Kelly:
Chol Tiny for his effort and determination in lunchtime sport activities.
Years 3/4
Mr Howley:
Cooper Garner for his creative act in Performing Arts about being frightened by a snake
Mrs Dainton:
Cristiano Spadaro for willingly sharing his ideas with the class and
his positive attitude in all his class room work. Well Done !
Mr O'Hara:
Alice West for her excellent work using the book, The Twits. Amazing effort Alice!
Mrs Weber/Mr Wild:
Vince Bungay for settling down to work quickly and always ensuring
his presentation of work is excellent!
Mr Maskell:
Eddy freeman for showing leadership when participating in time tables practice.
Years 5/6
Mr Beks:
Christa Jain for showing great initiative in the classroom and
helping out teachers with any tasks that are required.
Mr Lindon:
Joydeep Bhullar for displaying fantastic enthusiasm towards his mathematics and
Inquiry Projects.
Mr Thompson:
Amanat Sandu for always having a smile on her face and using kind words
and manners to all.
Mr Dyminski:
Grace Miksad for welcoming our new student into 5/6 Thompson/Dyminski and
her positive attitude towards learning.
Miss Mangiameli:
Alyssia Spadaro for being helpful in the classroom.
Term 2 - Week 4
Foundation/Year 1
Mr Enright:
Zackiah Tauai for fantastic persistence with his friends of ten addition strategy!
Miss Turk:
Abylani Liu For excellent sounding out when reading. Keep up the good work!
Miss Casey:
Daniella Lubadi for her excellent adding skills and learning the friends of ten strategy.
Miss Finn:
Kieren Egan for displaying his comprehension skills when reading poems. Great work!
Years 1/2
Mr Cameron:
Kur Kuol for his excellent efforts in Mathematics this week, especially when
adding two digit numbers!
Mr Kelly:
Arianna Watkins for her effort and determination in each classroom activity
Mr Almond:
Jack Pelly for settling down to work quickly and always ensuring he is doing his best!
Mrs Jones:
Layla Kellettfor showing persistence and a willingness to have a go at all school activities
Years 3/4
Mr Howley:
Jasmine Chol for her excellent Pictogram about our Aboriginal book “Somebody’s Land”.
Mrs Dainton:
Taylian McGee for his persistence in his Reading and the progress he has made this year.
Mr Maskell:
Jaxon Wileman for trying hard when reading aloud with his class.
Mr O'Hara:
Kueth Agog for putting in effort to practice his handwriting. Keep it up Kueth!
Mrs Weber/Mr Wild:
Jude Magill for showing terrific sportsmanship and being a great team player
during our football clinic. Great work Jude!
Years 5/6
Mr Beks:
Judd Moore for consistently following classroom rules, expectations and norms and improving in all areas of learning.
Mr Lindon:
Kayley Simpson-Honey for applying great improvement in her work ethic with her mathematics and other areas of her learning.
Mr Thompson:
Muhammad Haroon for demonstrating fantastic leadership and a willingness
to help others within the classroom.
Mr Dyminski:
Ethon Sheard for his outstanding effort and persistence in all learning areas this week. Ethon has not been afraid to have a go which is excellent to see
in 5/6 Thompson/ Dyminski.
Miss Mangiameli:
Liyana Khan for trying her best in mathematics this week in fractions.