Stay alert: COVID-19

will still be with us this winter

COVID-19 will still be in the community this winter so stay alert - even if you’ve had it before.

Remember these five important tips from Auckland Regional Public Health Service:


1. Be vaccinated. Vaccination is the best protection against getting very sick from COVID-19. Everyone aged 5 or over can get free COVID-19 vaccinations. It doesn’t matter what your visa or citizenship status is.


2. Keep up healthy habits: Healthy habits can protect you from lots of winter illnesses - not just COVID-19. They include washing and drying your hands well and often, wearing a mask (especially inside), and coughing/sneezing into a tissue or your elbow – not your hands.


3. Be alert for symptoms: If you or anyone in your household has any cold or flu-like symptoms, stay at home and free-call Healthline: 0800 358 5453. They will tell you what to do, including how to get a test. Healthline is available 24/7, with interpreters available.


In an emergency (for example if someone is having difficulty breathing), immediately dial 111 for an ambulance. COVID-related medical care is free.


4. Stay home if you live with someone with COVID-19: Everyone living in a household with someone who has COVID-19 needs to isolate for seven days – not just the person with COVID.  Please do not send your child in if they live with someone who has COVID-19, even if they are well.


5. Check: is your whānau up-to-date? Now’s a good time to check that your whānau is protected against other diseases like measles, mumps, rubella and pertussis (whooping cough). With New Zealand’s borders re-opening, there’s a greater risk of serious diseases like measles arriving here. Talk to your doctor, or check your own health records (such as your Plunket or Well Child/Tamariki Ora book) to see if everyone’s up-to-date with their immunisations. 

For more COVID-19 information and advice

Call: Healthline: 0800 358 5453 (a free, 24/7 service with interpreters available)


Or visit: