Health & Wellbeing

Pandemic, Pre-COVID Routines

For some of our students, the mental health of young people has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. The prevalence of symptoms of anxiety and depression has risen dramatically amongst young people and remains higher than pre‑pandemic levels. 

As many families settle back into their pre-COVID routines, young people need support, understanding, empathy and encouragement from caring adults. Teaching them the skills to build resilience will enable young people to thrive and develop healthy coping strategies. These are explained in more depth in this Special Report and includes suggested strategies on how parents and carers can best facilitate them.

A SPECIAL REPORT: Building Resilience Post Pandemic. To see the report, clickHERE 


Please contact your child's Homegroup Teachers or Academic Care and Wellbeing Coordinator if you would like to discuss wellbeing support at school.


Michelle Shaw | Leader of Inclusion