Bronte Stewart Cycling 

Australian Development Squad

About eight years ago, Bronte Stewart joined a cycling club and started riding competitively. Her brother, Myles, rode a bike so she followed suit. Bronte’s parents, Julie and Tony, became her support crew and went along for the ride. And what a ride it continues to be!

Success at Junior levels came her way, including selection in NSW teams for both road and track racing. Fast forward to 2022, and Bronte’s dedication paid dividends with her selection in an Australian U19 Development Squad to tour Europe in May.


Up until this point, Bronte had never raced in a peloton (group) of more than 30 riders. Her first European race found her in a peloton of 150. An uphill finish beckoned and with the U19 World Road Champion, Zoe Backstedt, in her sights, Bronte attacked and finished 10th overall (2nd first year U19) against some of the world’s best U19 riders. Accompanying photo shows Bronte crossing the finish line with the World Champion on her hip.


Fluke some might say? Not even close, as Bronte backed it up the next day with 17th and in so doing announced herself onto the world stage.

Bronte rounded out the tour riding in an elite (adult) kermesse where she joined an early break and stayed away for the entire race, finishing an outstanding 7th in open professional  company.


Contracting COVID-19 a few days after her first race, the mental toughness that she displays on the bike aided her in isolation. “Covid hit me really hard and the encouragement that I received from the Kildare (Catholic College) community during iso was amazing. I was surprised and very grateful. Fellow students were in constant contact and my teachers were so supportive.”


Bronte added that the whole experience was a major learning curve. “For the first time in my career, I wasn't in control of the race. I was just a cog in the wheel, trying to read the races, constantly on the alert for attacks, crashes, staying safe and maintaining my own space.” 

Whilst her immediate goal is the World Championships, to be held in Wollongong Sept 2022, Bronte is looking forward to university in 2023, continuing to ride for a domestic national team and adding to her palmarès, with aspirations to move to Europe to join a continental team.


When asked about hours on the bike, how many kilometres ridden etc, Bronte responded with, “I don’t think about time or distance. I consider cycling a full time sport, it’s a part of my life. My parents, and my coach, Jesse Featonby, are amazing and are with me the whole way”.


“With the World Champs looming, my goal for the recent tour was to be seen”. With the Australian team to be announced within the month, it's fair to say that Bronte has announced her arrival to the cycling world.

Stay up to date with Bronte’s time in the saddle on Instagram @brontestewartt and at:

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James Vickers | Teacher and Cycling Enthusiast