Leader of Curriculum News

Minimum Standard Testing

All year 10 students and selected year 11 students completed the Minimum Standards testing at the end of term 2 this year. An email has been sent to these students, providing them with a link and a pin to access these results.


I was very pleased with the maturity and effort put into these tests and this is reflected in their results. A student who has achieved a level 3 or 4 in any of the given areas of Numeracy, Reading and Writing have met the minimum standard in that area.

Students who are still yet to meet the standard(s) or were absent when the testing occurred will have another chance during term 4. The college will provide 2 opportunities each year to resit these tests for students who are not yet at the standard in any given area.

Year 9 and 11 2020

During this term our current year 10 and year 8 students have been involved in the subject selection process for years 11 and 9 respectively in 2020. The lines have now been finalised and the students have been informed of their courses.

Students who have chosen courses that were not viable to run have been consulted. Other students may have been given the additional preference they chose if one of their main round subjects was not available.

Students still have the option to change courses if there is still available room in that class.

Year 11 students who chose a TVET course as one of their four preferences received a letter asking them to enrol. These enrolments have now been finalised, however, there will be another enrolment intake in January for any student who has changed their preference.

Please not that completing a TAFE course or a distance education course incurs a fee of $ 500 per course per year. This payment will need to be made in term 4 for the student to be enrolled in their chosen course for the following year.

Finally, I would like to wish all of our community and happy and safe break.




Mr John Seers