Spring into spring

With spring holidays coming up it’s important to keep our minds and body active! Here are some fun activities to do with your kids!

Sometimes going on a holiday during school holidays can be near impossible. Camping in the backyard could get a fun substitution.


Can’t get to the snow? Why not go to Werribee beach and spend a day near the water? Build sand snowman?


With finals fever hitting, get outside and practice your drop punt.


Try out a new park and pack a picnic. You never know what's in your back yard.


On rainy days grab some blankets and build a fort. Rainy days can still be active and fun.


Remember that Term 4 is a sun smart term. The best way to protect yourself from the sun is to use a combination of Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide!

•    Slip on long clothing. Wear cool and long sun-protective clothing with a close weave. Use clothing to cover as much skin as possible. Clothes work best!


•    Slop on sunscreen– Choose a water-resistant, broad spectrum sunscreen which is 30+ or higher, and layer it on thickly 20 minutes before going out into the sun. Do not rub it in! Remember to reapply sunscreen every 2 hours, or more if towel drying or sweating excessively.


•    Slap on a hat- At TSPS we wear a broad-brimmed, bucket or legionnaire-style hat which protects your ears, sides of the face and back of the neck.


•    Seek shade- Shade provides good sun protection, but remember that UV rays reflect off surfaces such as sand, water and paving, so use other sun protection measures when in the shade too.


•    Slide on sunglasses- Protect your eyes with close-fitting wrap-around sunglasses.