Student Wellbeing and Engagement Report
The Father’s Day Stall was a huge success with hundreds of families buying gifts for their Dad’s and Grandfather’s.
A huge thank you to Sarah Hurley for giving up her time to manage the stall for the day.
Fathers Day Breakfast
On Thursday the 31st of August, hundreds of members of the school community were involved in the Father’s Day Breakfast. Families were able to sit down and enjoy breakfast together while the YMCA also had craft activities to complete. Thank you for everyone who participated and a huge thank you to the staff who made this happen.
Attendance Matters
It is important that children arrive at school ON TIME and EVERY DAY. A day here and there adds up very quickly. The chart below gives you an example how days can add up very quickly.
See the Attendance Fact Sheet for more information about the schools policy and processes. If you are having difficulty getting your child to school, please do not hesitate to contact the school so as we can help you with these difficulties.
Brianna Morelli
Student Wellbeing and Engagement
Assistant Principal