Senior News

Access Monash Induction Day

Access Monash Mentoring provides intensive support to selected Year 11 and 12 students who aspire to university study. The program aims to support students’ decision-making and preparation for university and careers by matching them with high achieving Monash students to work in a one-to-one mentoring relationship.

Mentoring activities may include:

■ Online and face-to-face sessions

■ Exclusive access to Monash University outreach and leadership activities

■ Academic/study assistance

■ Enrichment activities

■ Faculty activities

■ Industry connection opportunities

■ Student and professional shadowing experiences.


On Thursday February 21, 16 students spent the day at Monash University Peninsula Campus. The day started off with an Overview session, including some warm up activities followed by ABC of Access Monash Mentoring and Unpacking your mentoring TOOLKIT. Students then moved off to a workshop where they participated in small groups, discussing the Qualities of a good mentoring relationship workshop followed by a Communications workshop, where student’s role played situations that they may come across in their mentoring relationship.

Aspire Higher

The Aspire Higher Program is for select students to further develop their aspirations for a successful VCE by providing opportunities that extend their thinking and implement actions towards improving study habits and achieving goal directed behaviour measured against improvements in academic success.


A Briefing about the program was held on  February 20. Twelve year 12 students and  eighteen  year 11 students have been invited to join the program based on their academic performance last year and their Progress Assessment tasks.


Those who would like to take up the position are in the process of completing their applications. The first activity is an Excursion to Melbourne University. There are 25 places and Aspire Higher students are given first preference.

Exams – Senior school

There are 4 scheduled compulsory exam periods.

Mid- year exams - June 3 - 7

For all students in Year 10 (VCE stream) and students studying Unit 1 or Unit 3 studies

GAT (General Achievement Test) - Wednesday, June 12

For all students undertaking a unit 3 4 study. GAT begins at 10.00 am and finishes at 1.15 pm. Students will be dismissed at the end of the exam.

October Practice exams - September 30 - October 4

(Mon – Thu 2nd week of school holidays). NB This is common practice with a number of schools as it is important that students are provided with opportunities to complete exams under timed conditions and it is difficult to allocate time in the school day for 2 -3 hour exams.

VCAA Externally assessed exam period – (Exact dates of specific studies not yet available)

Wednesday, October 30 – Wednesday,  November 20 for Unit 3 4 subjects and scored VET studies. Unit 1 and 2 and Year 10 exams will be between 6th and 15th November

There will be further opportunities for students to complete practice exams in the Performing Arts centre before each exam period  to allow students to  familiarise themselves with the location, practise timing and develop skills.

Pride Squad Meetings

This year the meetings are every fortnight on a Friday lunch, next meeting Friday 8th March. Meetings are held in the closet (named by members of the pride squad.) Any-one wanting to know more about the group speak to Mrs Andrews, Mrs Ward or Mrs Holt. So far we have had 2 planning meetings for 2019. There have been approximately 12 students at each meeting.

First Presentation Ball rehearsal. Thursday 21st.

This year is a small group of thirteen couples. First rehearsal took place on Thursday 21st February. There was lot’s of laughter and fun as the students learnt the Mambo. It is great to see that this year we have for the first time – International students involved. As a result of the smaller group, Glen and Rad, the dance instructors from Good Look Dance are looking to hold the ball in a smaller venue as the Grand has requires a  minimum number of  300 guests. There are still places available for year 10, 11 and 12 students. Please contact Robyn Andrews if interested in participating in the Presentation Ball for 2019

Special Provision

A reminder that all students eligible for school based special provision or special examination arrangements should all now have submitted their paper work to Mrs Andrews. Ms Italia is now beginning the process for Year 10 students. If you have any questions regarding special provision, please do not hesitate to contact Robyn Andrews.

Valedictory – Year 12, October 23rd

A valedictory working party has been established and first meeting held last week.  The students have now voted on a theme for the Valedictory breakfast. The vote was between movie characters, Disney or the ‘80’s. The winner was movie characters. Theme confirmed as ‘Take me to the Movies’.  The working party would like to set up the foyer with red carpet and movie posters and movie props, if any one can help with sourcing any of these items, it would be greatly appreciated. Contact person is Robyn Andrews Year 12 Leader.

Mindfulness Study Space session with Dr Richard Chambers, Monash University

On Wednesday 20th February, VCE students listened and participated in a Mindfulness presentation with Clinical Psychologist, Dr Richard Chambers from Monash University.  Dr Chambers spoke about how the practice of mindfulness can be beneficial in improving personal wellbeing as well as managing stress.  Students gained a perspective on the benefits of uni-tasking (attending to and managing one activity at a time) as well as the perils of our addiction and preoccupation with electronic devices. This will ultimately lead to an improved ability to focus and be more present in the moment - essential for effective studying. Willing students participated in a mindfulness session.  Following on from this session, McClelland College will be running a 5 week afterschool mindfulness program for VCE students from the start of Term 2.  For more information, see Mrs Sharon Bucher or Miss Danielle Harry for an expression of interest.

Congratulations to Caitlyn Taylor for being selected as a VicSRC ambassador for 2019

What is a VicSRC Ambassador?

VicSRC Ambassadors are champions of student voice at the secondary school level. Ambassadors work with teachers, student leadership body and other students populations to bring student voice and student-led initiatives to life in  school and local community. VicSRC Ambassadors have the support of VicSRC staff, Executive and other Ambassadors from across Victoria.