Wellbeing and Community Engagement

Patrick Halpin 

Wellbeing and Community Engagement

Dear Parents and Carers,


Welcome back to all of our students and their families for what I know will be a fantastic 2017. 

I am very excited to have taken over the role of Wellbeing and Community Engagement Coordinator at Kingswood Primary School.  My role involves students, parents and staff so I look forward to getting to know you all.  If you see me in the mornings as you drop your children to school or in the afternoon as you collect them, please stop and say hello. 

Our Information Nights will take place in Week 3 (beginning Monday February 13th).  I encourage you all to attend the night for your child’s class.  It is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, find out about the programs that your child will be taking part in this year and ask any questions you might have.  I will attend all of the sessions so I look forward to seeing you then. 

The Kingswood Primary School community are extremely lucky to be supported by a very strong Inclusion Team.  The team is made up of five dedicated Integration Aides who work tirelessly to support all of the students in the school. 


Suzy Freeman 

I have been working at Kingswood for 16 years and my own children started attending KPS in 1993.  I have two adult children.  My favourite pastime is ballroom and rock and roll dancing.  I also love reading books when I have the time.


Katrina Sargent  

I have worked at Kingswood for 7 years.  I have two adorable children, both now at secondary school.  I enjoy photography and scrapbooking when I have the time.


Jen Bray 

I’ve been an Integration Aide here at Kingswood for two years.  In my previous life I was a teacher in the Life Education Van with Harold the Giraffe.  I’m a mummy to a three year old whirlwind and am about to pop with number two!


Emily Hoey 

I started at Kingswood in 2016 and really enjoy working with all the students.  I have two boys who keep me busy and as a family we love camping, going to the beach and playing with our dog. 


Stephanie Woolridge


I have been at Kingwood PS for 4 months.  I am from Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. but have lived in Australia for 13 ½ years.  I love watching sport – baseball and footy are my favourites.  I like watching TV and listening to music and, when I have time, I enjoy reading.


Please feel free to contact me at any stage by emailing: halpin.patrick.p@edumail.vic.gov.au or by phoning the school office. 


Patrick Halpin

Wellbeing and Community Engagement Coordinator