Prep News

Toy Expo
We have been having far too much fun in Prep! This term through our Inquiry Topic we have been learning about 'how things move'. After attending a show on the forces of toys at Scienceworks, we were inspired to create our own. Our main criteria was that our toys had to move in some way. We became toy designers as we drew and labelled our plan, learnt new skills as we began creating our toys, persisted as we encountered challenges, continually reviewed our toy to ensure it had moving parts and then evaluated our hard work with a rubric. Our teachers were impressed by how honest we were with our evaluations! Why do we evaluate you ask? Brooklyn said it beautifully when he said "so that we know what we can improve on next time".
Our favourite step of the process was the final part; sharing our toys with our Prep friends and taking them home to enjoy!
Kingswood Cinema
On Wednesday we attended the Kingswood Cinema! I bet I know what you're thinking... Kingswood Primary School has a cinema?! Well on Wednesday it did. Except it was even better than the real thing! The Parent Club had set up comfy mats for us to lie on, we brought in teddies, blankets and cushions from home, devoured lollies, popcorn and juice boxes and enjoyed the movie we had voted on: Charlotte's Web!
This was a reward to the Prep classes for handing in the most Cash Raffle sheets. What a great way to end the term!