Walk to School

Katie Bennett
Year 1 Teacher
Get ready, get set for Walk to School 2017!
Kingswood Primary School has joined hundreds of primary schools across Victoria for a fun month of walking, riding and scooting to and from school. By participating, we have a chance to win some great prizes! Every time our local families walk, ride or scoot to and from school during October, you increase our school’s chance of winning!
In 2017, we’re encouraging our kids to put their best foot forward by decorating their shoes, bikes or scooters to make Walk to School even more fun. Get involved with us for Walk to School and help your family build healthy habits for life.
About Walk to School
Every October, VicHealth’s Walk to School encourages Victorian primary school kids and their families to walk, ride or scoot to and from school every day. It’s a great way for the whole family to increase their physical activity levels. Plus, it is a chance to enjoy more time with your kids and meet other local families along the way. Along with the health benefits, it also reduces traffic congestion, saves on parking, helps us connect with family and friends and saves the environment!
Part way is okay! If you can’t walk the whole way, why not try parking the car a few blocks from school and walk, ride or scoot the rest. Last year, more than 144,000 kids and their families took part in the program walking the equivalent of two return trips to the moon. With your families help, we can make 2017 our biggest year yet!
There are so many great reasons to participate in Walk to School this October and we’re excited to be part of the fun because getting active is even more fun when we do it together!
For further information: walktoschool.vic.gov.au.