Grade 3/4 Students

Celebrating our tremendous Threes and fabulous Fours !

3/4A - Miss Lee

The Potato Olympics is underway!  


Step 1.  Select a potato athlete and decorate it.

Step 2. Select a country to represent. 

Step 3. Take part in multiple “potato” sports, recording measurements and score.

Step 4. Try and win!


Here, Neve and Sam introduce us to their potato athletes.

3/4B - Miss Brook

Biography Writing

Students interviewed a classmate and were set the task of writing about their life. They included important information from early life like their birthday and family members, and then some fun facts, including likes and dislikes!

Giacomo – By Eliza
Giacomo – By Eliza
Atharva – By Elias
Atharva – By Elias

3/4C -  Mr Lewis

In Writing, the students watched a short scene from the movie ’The Secret Garden’ and had to imagine themselves as the main character. Then they wrote about the scene, paying close attention to their use of adjectives to retell the story.

3/4D - Mr Mitch

This week 3/4D performed a recount based on the story 'The Secret Garden'. We used these recounts and added them to our own secret garden within the classroom.

Pictured below is our Secret Garden with recounts hidden within!

Amelia B, Isobel C, Gus N and Joel K
Amelia B, Isobel C, Gus N and Joel K

3/4E - Ms Margarita

We had a fantastic learning experience completing our biographies in 3/4E. Students put their interviewing skills to great use to learn more about each other and also wrote letters to their partner all about themselves. In the drafting stage, they focussed on organising the information chronologically, consistently writing in third person and in the correct tense and making their writing interesting. We are very proud of the published pieces. 

Yve E & Polly W
Yve E & Polly W
Matthew M & Liam P
Matthew M & Liam P