Sport and competition

Swimming carnival
Our swimming carnival is scheduled for Wednesday 3 March at Oakleigh Recreation pool, Oakleigh. All students are expected to attend. The information below will assist with planning for the day:
Roll Marking - Rolls will be marked in the morning at school before you board a bus to the pool. Locations are:
- Years 7 to 9 - Normal period 1 classroom
- Year 10 - Gym (rolls to be marked in PL groups)
- Year 11 - Lecture Theatre
- Year 12 - VCE Centre
50m freestyle - 50m freestyle competitors need to meet in the gym at 8am ready for roll call before departing at 8.15am. Students wanting to participate in the 50m freestyle trial sessions, need to sign up using this form before Wednesday 24 February . The form can be accessed here: -
All other events - no sign up required. Take part on the day!
Carnival conclusion - All students will locate their teacher, have the roll marked again before returning to school by bus.
Mobile phones - These will be placed in your locker before you go to roll marking at the start of period 1. They will be confiscated for the day if seen out.
Masks - Face masks must be worn when travelling on the bus, when outside and not engaged in activities or when using the indoor toilets. Mask wearing regulations will be subject to the advise of the Chief Medical Officer on the day.
Parent attendance - No spectators (such as parents or friends) are allowed due to the current restrictions in place.
Early departures - There will be NO early sign outs. Should students need to leave early from the venue, a written note must be given 24 hours to their student manager. NO sign outs on Compass will be accepted and NO late notes will also be accepted on the day.
What to wear - Dress up in your House colours and represent with pride. Please consider the weather on the day of the event. Bring lunch, water bottle and a hat. There will be canteen facilities for you to purchase items if you wish. Appropriate swimwear and a towel is needed for water based events on offer. Additional information will be provided closer to the event. If you have any concerns or questions please make contact with your PE teacher or Ms Parker in the gym office.
Round Robin
Well done to the Senior volleyball and lawn bowls teams who represented the College last Friday 12 February at the first of our interschool sport round robin days for 2021. The students were competitive, respectful and encouraging of each other and represented MGSC with pride! Thank you to our staff coaches, Miss Bowers and Miss Dixon for accompanying the team.
The Intermediate Round Robin is scheduled for Monday 22 February unless the current restrictions continue. Students are reminded to ensure they read the emails sent to them outlining items in which they must bring with them on the day. Parents are also reminded to check the Compass event and provide online consent in order for your daughter to compete. Without this consent, they will unfortunately be unable to attend and thus remain at school as normal.
Ilana Parker
House competition and interschool sports coordinator