
Free parent webinars
Some local and partner organisations are offering valuable seminars for parents and teens.
Empowering parents
Elevate seminar to reinforce study skills
Elevate is an award-winning organisation that works with MGSC to help students become more effective learners. They understand that these are challenging times. Your child’s ability to self-motivate, manage their time and prepare effectively will be a crucial factor to guarantee their success over this academic year. They are offering a webinar series where we will show parents the tools to:
- manage motivation
- manage time
- technology
- note taking in the lead up to assessments and exams
The dates are:
- February 24th - Time Management techniques to align the family expectations on homework and school-life balance.
- March 10th - Technology devices and self-regulation strategies.
- March 24th - Note taking skills to help your child deepen their revision
For more information and to register see: https://get.elevatecoaching.info/au/register
Kicking Goals
A teen seminar for setting goals then smashing them.
Bayside Youth Services is running Kicking Goals! - a free one hour seminar taking a closer look at how young people talk to themselves, assess their values and set goals. This workshop was created based on Youth Resilience Data, which indicated secondary school students blamed themselves for things and didn’t know if they were doing well.
The seminars will be hosted at Sandringham Library on Wednesday 22 February (4 - 5pm) and Tuesday 2 March (4 - 5pm) and is aimed at young people 12-17 years old. For more information and to register:
The Wellbeing Team
Christine Fay, Leona Thomson and Miriam Bush