Celebrating student success

David Burgess Scholarship
Congratulation to Hannah Mulchany (Class of 2020) who has been awarded the David Burgess Scholarship. The scholarship assists young people who have struggled to overcome adversity and who show a commitment to their goals and community. Hannah will receive funding and guidance from mentors which will support her tertiary studies in community work and education.
OptiKA 2020 - People's Choice Award
The photography exhibition continues. In late 2020 we were able to announce that two MGSC students were judged as prize winners. The People's Choice Award is now open online and there are more MGSC students in the mix. By voting for your favourite photographic work you could win a prize and the people's choice also wins. This is the competition that Media teacher Lisa Blumenstein won last year.
To see all the entries go to: OptiKA-2020-online exhibition
Look for Sabina Eyre Walker (year 11) who joins Amelia Jewell (Class of 2020) Portrait Award winner and Emily Gough (year 8) video award winner.
OptiKA - People's Choice Awards
Good luck everyone.
Share your success
We welcome being able to share the stories of student's achievements and successes in our newsletter or social media.
Send the news, with a photo to Jane Garrow, Communications: