Principal's Report

by David Lord

Principals Message

Circuit Breaker Lockdown

Throughout the past year our Staughton Family has risen together to the challenges that we have faced. My primary concern at this moment is for the health and wellbeing of staff, students and our community. I would like to thank our whole community for your patience and flexibility as we face this circuit breaker lockdown. As soon as we know anything we will immediately communicate what we know. We are again aiming to be as transparent as possible in:

  • Keeping it simple
  • Being consistent
  • Staying connected

School closed: 

As per Department advice, the school and the general office will be closed. There will be limited staff on site for the supervision of approved students. All enquiries should be directed to the Staughton email: or by calling 97434622.


Continuity of learning 

We are focusing on providing continuity of learning by consolidating learning that has already occurred. There will be no normal timetable. Students will be asked to access their Google Classrooms and follow prompts to help them consolidate their learning. Teachers will put the prompts online during the day today. Google Classroom can be accessed from any device. Class codes will be published on the school website today here: 


We understand that families will have a range of circumstances. We want to keep things simple over the next three days. We ask that students work hard to complete consolidation in their subjects as they are able. We would also like all students to be reading for at least 30min a day.


Students permitted on-site: 

Students on site will be restricted to essential workers where no other supervision arrangements can be made. Vulnerable and at risk students will be identified by the school and contacted. These students will undertake the same consolidation program as those students who are off-site. As per health advice any student who can stay at home, must stay at home. 



School Council

We have two available parent positions on school council. To nominate please find the relevant forms on our website. 


Nominations are due by Friday 19th February by sending the forms to


There is one student position to be filled that will be advertised within the school. 





We, at Staughton College, would like to show our respect and acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which our school is situated, of elders past and present. We extend a warm welcome to everyone who visits our school.