Whole School News

District Swimming

Awesome effort by our students that represented RPS at the Heidelberg District Swimming Carnival that was held last Thursday. Congratulations to Lily L who came 4th in the 11 year old girls breaststroke.


Kelli Zealley

Sports Coordinator


Students Of The Week

Term 1 Week 5


PK - Leah & Charlie

PB - Anas & Emme

PY - Chanu & Joshua

1N - Kiarnah & Felix

1R - Alfie & Annika

1W - Dakota & Shaun

2K - Kai

2M - Tirath

23A - Angelo & Sophie

34D - Sharni & Imaan

34H - Jacob & Tali

34T - Nicola & Jean

56F - Cheng-Ru & Emma 

56M - Fergus & Elle

56W - Ayub & Mia


House Cup Winner

Week 5 Winner - Golden Wattle!!


Golden Wattle - 3 Points

Red Waratah - 1 Point

Blue Gum - 0 Points

Green Grevillea - 0 Points