A note from Mr Jackson

Return of Consent Reminder
As we bed down routines and rhythms for the year we are eager to ensure we have the consents required to engage students in learning. This is particularly relevant as students engage with technology, participate in local excursions and in the celebration of student work. We are looking forward to sharing student learning on Seesaw as we receive completed consent forms. A range of consent forms have been made available on Compass. We have encouraged parents to use Qkr to sign all but the ICT Agreements. The ICT Agreements are a great opportunity for discussions around cyber safety and the appropriate use of technology at home and school. It requires a signature and return in hard copy.
FORPS Picnic next Friday
All are invited for a relaxed evening on the oval next Friday night. It’s a gentle evening to meet other parents and relax. After our year of isolation these opportunities, to be out and about, are valued by all. A reminder that our social distancing expectations remain and if physical distancing cannot be maintained then masks are required. Read more about the event in the FORPS news in this newsletter.
Thanks to our Leaders and Guests last Week
Thanks to all all those who joined us for our Friday assembly and afternoon tea as we presented our leadership badges. It was a great privilege and honour to celebrate our strong student leaders for semester one. It was also an important opportunity to remind students that whenever we support others and care for our environment we too can become leaders.
Staying Healthy
A reminder to all our community that we continue to be alert and vigilant in responding to any health concerns. Any student that is showing COVID symptoms should be tested. The school continues to implement a COVID Safe Plan that supports regular sanitising and hand washing.
As mentioned in previous Compass posts, a number of students have left early due to upset stomachs! If your child is unwell please ensure that they remain at home.
Lots to do at Lunchtimes
As we step into the year, students have a range of opportunities to play throughout the week. Our sandpits continue to be a popular space to bury and dig, as do many of the gardens which look more like construction sites. Some have enjoyed joining the Rosanna Singers, who we look forward to showcasing soon, and others are flocking to the ICT Club! Sports equipment is available throughout the week except for Fridays – thanks to our senior students who are sharing the responsibilities of distributing and collecting the equipment. Our Sustainability and Junior School Councillors have met and will continue to drive change throughout the school. Thanks to staff and students for offering these range of experiences that provide every student with a range of choices throughout the week.
Soccer on Next Week
We wish the students participating in the District Soccer Round Robin next week the best. We are sure they will give their best effort and represent Rosanna Primary well. We look forward to sharing their adventures at the assembly next week
A reminder that Monday is a Public Holiday. We look forward to starting the school week on Tuesday.