Principal’s Message

Parent Learning Walk

We held our first Parent Learning Walk on Tuesday 9 March and it was wonderful to see so many parents taking up the opportunity to observe learning and teaching in action.   The parents joined the Leadership Team on a one hour walk through the learning space across K-6.  Parents were able to see the different components of the English block such as guided reading and ask the students what they were learning.  The feedback from the parent learning walk survey was extremely positive and encouraging.  We aim to hold Parent Learning Walks each term so there will be regular opportunities for parents to visit and discover more about contemporary learning at St Joseph's School.  

Here are some examples of parent feedback: 

Q: 'How is the learning environment different to your own experience of school?' - 

"The children were very engaged in the learning and there was lots of interaction between the teacher and students." 

Q: Do you think it's important that children can articulate their learning?"

"Yes, I think it’s important to have parents be a part of their child’s experience in the class room and makes it easier to relate to each child’s day and how they are being taught."

"Of course, they need to understand what they are being taught and be able to analyse and contextualise what they have learnt and its practical application."

Q. Do you think it is valuable to hold Parent Learning Walks? Why?

"Yes. It informs parents/carers of current styles and terminology used. I.e VCOP. Also, it may encourage kids to discuss their learning and as a parent we will be able to relate to the topic at hand."

"It gives me the opportunity to have more meaningful conversations with my son regarding his time in the classroom."

Visit by Catholic Schools NSW CEO - Dallas McInerney

Today, we welcomed the CEO of Catholic Schools NSW, Dallas McInerney and Danielle Cronin, Director of Education Policy to St Joseph's School.  We were honoured to be asked to host a Learning Walk which also included the Diocesan Director, Chris Smyth and the Catholic Schools Office Leadership Team.  We were excited to be able to showcase the excellent learning and teaching happening across K-6 in our brand new facilities.  Mr McInerney had visited the school at the beginning of the building project and was impressed by the quality of the newly completed facilities.  Mrs Cronin remarked on the 'calm engagement' of the students during the Learning Walk as she walked through the rooms.  We are very proud of our school and appreciate the opportunity to showcase our school as a centre of excellence in learning and teaching.

Year of St Joseph

Pope Francis in his Apostolic Letter, Patris Corde, called the Church to set aside 2021 as a year to focus our attention on St Joseph as patron of the Universal Church.  St Mary MacKillop and Fr Julian Tenison Woods, the co-founders of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart, chose St Joseph to be patron of the Congregation and so we are pleased to have this opportunity to pray with and for the people of God with St Joseph.  Our school was founded by the sisters of St Joseph so we will be celebrating special events throughout the year.  The first of these celebrations is the feast of St Joseph on Friday 19th March with Years 3-6 attending Mass at 12pm.


Wishing you a wonderful week ahead.

May God bless you,

Katie Hanes



St Joseph's School - a Faith Filled Community Where Learning Matters.