Positive Education

Positive Education in Term 1
This term in Pos Ed, our Friendology 101 sessions have been looking at KINDNESS through the lens of friendship... Has a friend been kind to you recently? Have you been kind to a friend? How can kindness help us make & keep new friends? Is it possible to be too kind? How can you be Kind-on-Purpose? Is it possible to be Kind-by-Accident? So much to consider as we unpack what kindness means...
Launch of URStrong
Over the course of this term, all classes have been learning about URStrong. The basis of our work on being a friend and how to handle disputes with your friends. We have also been learning about when someone is Mean-on-purpose and what to do about it. On Tuesday 30 March, COVID restrictions permitting, we will be inviting families in small groups into the school on a Student-led Walkthrough. This is a time to celebrate the start of 2021 and to launch our URStrong. Put this date in your diary and more information is to follow.
Bush Talk
For interested Grade 5/6 students we have embarked on a nature based wellbeing program that uses connections with nature to provide beneficial emotional wellbeing. This term nine students have embarked on the Bush Talk program and have delighted in new skills they are learning including making cordage, creating fire from a flint, reflection and journaling. Coming up is basket weaving, clay pot making, simple nature navigation and journey sticks. The feedback from the students so far has been very promising and this program could be a feature of our Grade 5/6 program going forward.
Today all students from Foundation to Grade 6 worked with their Kooramook teacher and started work on a Kindness Garden. Check out these photos of today's session.
Narelle Sencek