Art room news - Term 1 2021

Self Portraits
We always begin the year with a focus on Self Portraits. For some students, it's the first time they have represented themselves as a drawing or a painting. For most, it can be a cathartic and confronting experience, observing the 'self'; noticing the details of our faces, making comparisons between themselves and their friends, noticing the colours of essential features such as their eyes and skin. The older students flip back through their Visual Diaries to see how we represented ourselves 'back then', to see how our skills have developed and the perception of our selves has changed.
We have started to investigate a number of interesting ways to present the self - photography, collage, line drawing, photo enhancement and memory drawing to name a few.
Brush making......
Grade 5 and 6 students are beginning several explorations during their Art time. Making brushes from foraged leaves, flowers and plants will give us a diversity of ways to make marks without the tendency to produce a finished or prescribed picture. Instead, simply exploring the freedom of swishing food dye across a page, watching the colours blend and meld have encouraged a sense of freedom and play.
Other News…..
We now have a complete set of Art Smocks for the students to wear during Art. We an now enjoy some messy Art! If your child wishes to bring their own smock for Art for any particular reason, be sure to name the smock clearly and wash regularly. Just make sure your child brings it to school for their art lesson each week. No smock - No Mess Making.
Be sure to check out our Virtual Mullum Art Gallery on Instagram at mrs.lawns.artroom and on our Mullum Primary School Facebook page!