
Year 12 University Showcase

ASC is extremely grateful to the regional universities who visited our school during Week 5 for our annual University Showcase. Representatives from the University of New England, Southern Cross University, University of Newcastle and Charles Sturt University provided Year 12 students with valuable information covering:

  • the admissions process – deciding on courses, UAC and alternative entry
  • career destinations and work experience
  • accommodation options – on campus/off campus, catering, costs, support
  • financial considerations – HECS/HELP, additional study costs, scholarships
  • university life – making the most of your university experience, how university life differs from school, how to be successful at university

After addressing the entire year, students were able to personally discuss options with university representatives at stalls set up outside in the Plaza.


Thank you Year 12, the courtesy and curiousity you demonstrated throughout the programme were a great credit to our school.

Work Readiness Workshops

Many of our Ezidi students have now settled into mainstream classes and are interested in obtaining part-time employment. To facilitate this process, we are collaborating with Settlement Services to support students in applying for a TFN, write their resume, and other work-readiness skills. 


Thank you to Dunya for your assistance, and good luck to our students in their job search!

Mrs Hardman

Careers Adviser | eVET Coordinator | SBAT Coordinator