School and Community

International Women's Day Breakfast

Last Friday, Ms Lasker, Ms Hoddinott and the Year 12 Leadership Group represented ASC at the Quota Club's International Women's Day Annual Breakfast. 


Guest speaker at the event was Rianna Feenstra, winner of the Business of the Year-Young Entrepreneur Award in the 2019 New England North West Regional Busines Awards.


It was an early but highly rewarding start to the day!

#Forgirls & IWD

Over the past couple of weeks as a lead-up to International Women's Day (IWD), ASC has been raising the awareness of gender equality within the ASC. This year's IWD was #choosetochallenge. Last week, CREW classes learned the history of IWD and encouraged to students to consider the context and benefits of gender equality within our society. 

On Monday, the #forgirls group, initiated a special fundraising campaign in connection to IWD. Students were encouraged to wear purple and green mufti and make a gold coin donation for UN Women (Australia). This organisation assists in developing women as leaders in the community, running educational programs on gender equality, and promoting women’s rights across the globe.  ASC students and staff raised $480 on the day to donate to the UN Women programme.

Later Monday morning, members of #forgirls met with the new Deputy Secretary for the Department, Leanne Nixon. They discussed school and society  issues over morning tea in the Staff Common Room.

Environmental Focus Group

One of this year's major initiatives is the establishment of a student-led Environmental Focus Group. In a win-win arrangement by reducing rubbish within the school while raising money, the Environmental Focus Group have place a set of Yellow Bins around the school for the collection of empty bottles/cans/poppers. 



Over $70 has been raised in the first few weeks of the programme by processing the 10c bottles and containers at the Recycling Centre.