Students in the Intensive English Centre  (IEC) have been enjoying their Maths lessons this term. They have been using stage appropriate Maths text books to improve their understanding of written maths terminology, and have also been participating in group activities to practice their new vocabulary. It has been wonderful to see their excitement as they start to understand new mathematical concepts.


Students from different class groups have been leading the IEC assemblies each Wednesday. This has been the first time for many of the students to speak in front of a large group of people. We are very proud of their courage and determination in embracing the opportunity to demonstrate their excellent leadership and presentation skills.

Some of the topics that have been covered in our IEC assemblies have been: an orientation to the new school, International Women's Day, and the role of our student government. We are looking forward to the coming weeks to see and hear the remaining classes present their topics around Harmony Day, things to do in Armidale and more. 

Mrs Thomas

Teacher - IEC