Parents & Friends

OPS 2021 Welcome Night

Friday 12th March 5:30-8:00pm

Welcome in the new school year and meet families and staff at the ‘OPS 2021 Welcome Night’, brought to you by the OPS Parents and Friends Association. The Welcome Night is a picnic held in the grounds of the school and is a fantastic way to meet members of our school community, make new friends and connect with old friends.


Please bring your own picnic to the event for your household to enjoy. You may also wish to bring a picnic rug or outdoor camping chairs for your comfort.


This year, we have a pizza truck available that will be selling pizzas (both whole pizzas and by the slice). We will also have local business The Ormond Ice Creamery onsite selling their wonderful ice creams and delicious donuts. Ice creams are $5 each and donuts are four for $7


We encourage students to dress up in their designated Year Level colour to add to the rainbow fun:

  • Foundation         Red
  • Year One             Orange
  • Year Two             Yellow
  • Year Three          Green
  • Year Four             Light blue
  • Year Five              Dark blue
  • Year Six                Purple


    *   Important note to all attendees   *

This event will be run as a ‘Tier 3 Public Event’ under State Government Covid guidelines. We will be sending out a Compass notification closer to the date outlining further details of the event, what Covid related restrictions will apply to attendees, and how to book free tickets via Trybooking.


We look forward to welcoming you on the night!


 Please note:   in the event of further changes to Covid restrictions or a further lockdown event, this event may be postponed.

Easter Hamper Raffle

Once again, Ormond Primary School's Parents and Friends Association is hosting it's annual Easter Raffle. This week raffle tickets in books of 10 tickets ($2 per ticket) were sent home with each student.  Please return all cash, tickets sold and unsold in the envelopes provided (clearly labelled with your child's name, year and amount of money) by Friday 19th March.


Friday 26th March is a Casual Clothes Day for the students and are asked to please donate an Easter egg, or Easter related products such as crafts or toys to create the Easter raffle prizes. Please no products containing nuts. 

Winner of the raffle will be announced at the end of Term assembly on Thursday 1 April.


Second Hand Uniform Sale

There will be a long awaited Second Hand Uniform Sale next week. 

Friday 12th March 3:15pm to 4:00pm in the 3rd portable (aka Rm17/Ms Bell's or 3A's classroom). 

People attending the stall will need to check in to the QR code at the site (Services Victoria App) and social distance at all times. 

Cash only - please only bring coins or small denominations as limited change will be available. 

We welcome new volunteers and new ideas!  You can contact us at anytime