
Live Love Learn

Dear Families,

We have had another busy week at Galilee. We hope your child/ren have enjoyed participating in the numerous extra-curricular activities that have been happening through out the week. At Galilee, we believe in educating the whole child; spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally and physically. Educating the whole child has never been more evident than this week. 

On Monday, we held a very successful Athletics Carnival. All students participated in a range of Athletics Events that allowed them to collect points for their House Team. It was wonderful to watch students with a strong sense of motivation, inner desire to succeed, setting and achieving their own goals as well as developing a sense of belonging to their house team and school community. Congratulations to Joey's White on their win for the day.

On Wednesday, our Year 4 students headed off on a three day, two night camp to Angahook in Aireys Inlet. Our camping program gives students wonderful opportunities to develop a wide range of social skills that strengthen established relationships and develop new ones. Students are challenged to be more independent, work in teams, make decisions and further develop their leadership skills. They are able to take a safe risk and push themselves physically. We look forward to hearing all about the camp when they return on Friday afternoon.

On Wednesday afternoon we heard from our Wellbeing Team and the Wellbeing Leaders at Assembly. They showed us different ways to meditate and keep calm. 

On Wednesday, after school, staff participated in a STEM professional development presenting them with ideas in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics that they can take back into their classroom. Teachers were encouraged to link STEM with other subject areas; helping to make student learning real and relevant. 

Tomorrow we look forward to welcoming Sue Kidd into the Year 3 classrooms to work with our students on their understandings of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Sue has partnered with Galilee to enhance student preparation to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time later this term. 

All of these extra-curricula activities were above and beyond the amazing learning that was happening in each classroom. It is wonderful to watch our students challenge themselves in all areas of their learning and have the chance to flourish.

Staffing and Roles

Public Holiday and School Closure Day

Next Monday, 8th March, is the Labor Day Public Holiday. We hope you and your family have a wonderful long weekend.

If you are picking students up early to go home on Friday for the long weekend, please pick up at either 10.30am or 1.30 and notify their teacher.


Next Friday, 12th March, is a School Closure Day. Staff will spend the day learning about Writing - Big Write and VCOP. We look forward to staff implementing these writing strategies into their classrooms. GOSH will be open on Friday 12th March, head to their website to book,

School Photos

School Photos have been scheduled for the 24th of March. More information about how to order school photos will be given out closer to the date.

School Fees

A reminder if you chose to pay your school fees in full, your payment is due this month, 25th March.

The first payment for anyone who chose one of the instalment options was due on 25th February.

PE Uniform

Your class teacher will Dojo you the days students are to wear Sport Uniform.


Fresh and Active

By making the choice to eat fresh whole foods, and exercise every day for an hour, you will give yourself the best opportunity to be physically and mentally healthy. Use your strengths to be determined not to be fooled by advertising that tells you most packaged and takeaway foods are good for you. They aren't. Also, beware of spending too much time indoors on electronic leisure; it can affect your personal relationships. 

Athletics Carnival

On the first of March, Galilee School had an Athletics Day Carnival at Lakeside Stadium. We arrived at school for an 8:15 am early start and were reminded of everything we would need to remember when we got to Lakeside Stadium.


We got on the bus at 8:30 to arrive for 8:45 and grabbed our seats and had a quick snack before the events started. When all the year levels were ready,  the Sports Captains took their house team for a practice lap around the track then it was time for the events to begin. The Preps-Year 2s split off to the opposite side of the stadium whereas the Year 3-6s stayed on the main track. 


Everyone tried their very best in the first series of events and earned points for their house team. Then it was time for recess for everyone to have a break, a snack to eat and chatting with friends. Then we began our second series of events. All the parents and staff were doing a great job of keeping everyone in line. Finally, it was time to do the optional 800 Metres run and all those who took part in the race did an excellent job and the ones who didn’t race cheered on their house teams very well. Then we got on the bus back to Galilee.

Overall, it was a great day thanks to staff members and parents, Mr Hill especially for helping to organize the day and good luck to the people who will be going to the District.


Year 6 

Easter Raffle

Keep an eye out in your child's school bag for your raffle tickets!


For assemblies parents will be allowed on site with the following conditions:

- Only those with a child in class performing or receiving an award can attend;

- Will have to sit outside of the hall;

- Sign a health declaration.


Assembly will be live steamed. Link will be on the parent calendar. If your child will be receiving an award or your child's class is presenting at assembly the classroom teacher will notify you via Dojo.

School Education Board

To those new to the school community,  the SEB is an advisory board to the school leadership team consisting of Principal and the Deputy Principals and parent representative members who are appointed by the Principal. The SEB meets formally during the year to review and advise as required on various matters relating to school operations, business and administration which may include governance, building and other projects, marketing, grants, policies and procedures.   Board members for the duration of their tenure, provide their time and skills to advise and support the school as and when required.

The SEB school members for 2021 are:

Darren Catherall (Chair)

Athena Romic (Deputy Chair)

David Cloag

Bernard Mandile

Nicole Loriente

Tim Anderson

Carlo Pizzini

How to Handle Criticism 

By Eliza D and Laura S - Year 6


On the Tuesday the second of March, the Year Sixes and the Year Fives got to learn about how to deal with positive and negative criticism. Kasey (Violet and Ivy S’s Mum) taught us how to respond to criticism and that criticism is not always bad. She explained how it took her a long time to recognise that if you want to do something you love and put yourself out there, you will get criticised and that there is no way around it but that is ok!


Kasey then walked us through a strategy that she uses to help her handle criticism. She explained that she had a special card that she looks at when someone says bad things about her or her work. On her special card, she has a list of everyone who she trusts and looks at this and talks to them if she is criticised. The basic rule is that if they are not on your list, their criticism may not matter. Overall we all learnt a lot about tackling criticism and we learnt that the best thing to do was to just be yourself! Thank you Kasey, it was amazing. 


“Criticism is the entry price we pay to live the life that we want”

Library Times

From this week, students will attend library on the following days:

Thursday - Year 2

Friday - Prep, Years 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 


Book Club order 2 is out now and due by March 19 via the Loop app.



Craft Club

Today in Craft Club we made fruit bowls using watercolour paint. 

Craft Club is on at lunchtime on a Thursday in the Art Room. 


Scripture of the week


St. Patrick's Day Celebrations

March 17th is St. Patrick's Day. The students are invited to wear a 'hint' of green on that day. This may include a green hair ribbon, green socks and the like, but definitely NO green hair please. Instead of having an Assembly on March 17th, the students will participate in St. Patrick's Day activities.

We look forward to a wonderful day!


Camels, Clutter and Coffee...

'A baby camel asked its mother, "Mother, why do we have feet with two toes?" the mother replied, "So we don't sink into the sand."

the baby camel said, "Mother, how come we have such long eyelashes?" the mother again answered, "So the sand is not blown into our eyes during sandstorms."

then the baby camel asked, "Why do we have huge humps, then?" The mother answered, "to store fat to survive."

quizzically, the camel looked at its mother, and puzzled, he said, "Why then, are we in a zoo?" ' - (I heard this from a priest at Mass.)


Like the baby camel, we can become confused about where we should be. When we are in a busy, bustling street full of worldly affairs, we can not hear Jesus speak to us, whereas, when we are in a place of silence, like the desert, we are able to hear Jesus. 'I will lead her into the desert and there, I will speak to her heart.' - Hosea 2:14

Jesus went into the desert to prepare for His mission for forty days in silence.  We need to step away from all the commotion and go to Jesus. Jesus is our true home, where we belong. Jesus wants to live in our hearts, but first we need to clear the clutter to make space for Him.  

We are currently in the second week of Lent. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving are three very important ways to make room for Jesus in our minds, hearts and lives during this time.

Project Compassion is a way of almsgiving. Filling a tiny little box with a few coins can make a huge difference in the lives of those who live in poorer countries.


'We often feel like a fancy coffee with foam on the top, but when we are in the desert we only want water.'  (- Fr.)

It's very true. We may want fancy things, but in the desert we only long for what we need.

 By giving up a coffee, you could save money and donate for the needs of others.





StsPP - Tuesday, 16 March 7:00pm

OLMC - Wednesday, 24 March 7:00pm



StsPP - Sunday, 6 June 2:00pm

OLMC - Wednesday, 2 June 7:00pm



StsPP- Thursday 19 August 7.00pm

OLMC - Wednesday 18 August 7.00pm


Many of our Year 3 students will be making their First Reconciliation in March. Please keep them in your prayers:


A Prayer for our Reconciliation Candidates

Loving God, teach your children that you love them totally and unconditionally.

Help us to encourage each other to grow in love and to learn how to say sorry, knowing that you always forgive.

Help us to pray for these children and to share our faith with them as we journey together.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.



Simon Millar

Principal of Galilee