Languages Corner

Hebrew News
Last week we celebrated Purim, a joyful day of celebration which relates to the "Scroll of Esther" in the bible. The story of Purim is like any known fairy tale, where a beautiful girl (Ester) meets her king (Achashverosh) who later stands behind his new wife and saves her and her people from the evil "Haman". A true love story where love saves the day.
To celebrate the special day, we baked Hamantaschen, which are in the shape of an ear (triangle). This is a symbol for Haman's defeat. (As a true villain in the story, he conspired to with his wife to kill Ester and her people.)
The kitchen looked like a bomb went off and after 15 minutes looked very messy, but all is fun in love and war... 😂 Here are some pictures from Hebrew Year 8, and Hebrew Year 7.
Nava Orbach
Hebrew Teacher