Senior School News

We are into the full swing of things now in Senior School with many VCE students having a busy time with SAC over the past few weeks. Most of the students have coped well with that so far, using their time to prepare well. Most students at Years 10-12 have settled well into their subjects for the semester and we are almost a third of the way through Semester 1.
If a VCE student is absent on the day of a SAC they are required to bring in a valid medical certificate in order to be graded on the SAC. If a student does not submit a valid medical certificate, then the student will be able to sit the makeup SAC the following Tuesday but only an S or N will be recorded and no graded assessment. Students who sit a SAC but do not satisfy the criteria for the SAC are therefore given an N (non-satisfactory) but they will be given the opportunity to re-sit the SAC in the hope that they can show understanding of the outcome being tested in order to be given an S, (satisfactory). Please note that the graded assessment will not change just the N will change to an S. If the student has satisfied the outcome addressed by the SAC through other work they may not be required to re-sit the SAC to achieve the S.
We are in the midst of running parent information session for the senior school year levels. The Year 11 session was on Thursday 4th March. The Year 12 session will run next Tuesday the 9th March and the Year 10 session will be the following week with the exact date to come. These sessions will each run for about an hour with the presentation going for approximately 30 minutes and time set aside for questions afterwards.
Jeff Micallef
Senior School Leader
Year 12 News
I want to take this opportunity to thank all the Year 12 students and in particular the sport captains who attended the swimming sports for their behaviour on the day. It was a lovely day to be out in the sunshine.
Year 12 students are preparing themselves for their formal to ensure that the night is a successful celebration. The school council approved an early dismissal for the formal day, meaning that Year 12 students will be dismissed at 12.22pm on 11th March. Friday 12th March is a normal school day.
Last week the students received their Year 12 jackets. The students are very excited to wear them and a reminder was put into the Year 12 google classroom about their responsibility to themselves and the school when wearing the jacket out in public.
Lastly, this is timely reminder that special examination arrangement forms (health professional statements) are due soon.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries regarding your Year 12 student.
Laura Brancatella
Year 12 Coordinator