
Mental health education and support is a key component of the work of the wellbeing team. All staff complete training in the SAFEMinds program endorsed by the Department of Education.
SAFEMinds is a professional learning and resource package for schools and families that enhances early intervention in mental health support for children and young people in schools.
The above link takes you to the parents and carers home page with information about how SAFEMinds can help you support your child.
The past twelve months through the COVID pandemic have provided great challenges for young people and their families in maintaining good mental health. This is reflected in the number of young people seeking support from the wellbeing team. They are to be commended for being proactive in accessing support.
It is important that early signs of mental health distress are noticed and addressed. Parents are encouraged to contact the wellbeing team if they have mental health concerns for their child and believe it is affecting their participation at school.
As part of our response at GEC to support our community we have booked Andrew Fuller to present.
How to Get Your Child’s Learning Mojo Back
Date: Tuesday 23rd March
Time: 7pm
Cost: $5.00 per ticket
Venue: Glen Eira College Performing Arts Centre
Book tickets through Trybooking: https://www.trybooking.com/BPMEH
All attendees need to book their tickets online and sign in on the night using the QR code that will be provided.
My FRIENDS Youth is a group-based program that equips participants with the necessary tools to overcome new challenges that are commonly experienced by the 12- to 15-year old’s.
This program empowers early-teens to deal with stressful situations by normalising the state of anxiety and teaching self-regulation. It also develops self-confidence by arming participants with positive and creative strategies to problem solve challenges and setbacks in every area of their lives.
The FRIENDS program for our Year 7 students will begin at the end of this term and continue through term 2. The program is delivered in one hour sessions over 9 sessions.
This program was developed in Australia and is endorsed by the World Health Organisation. It is a great opportunity for Year 7 to work together build to their resilience skills and capacity to positively support their wellbeing and that of their peers.
The wellbeing email for GEC is available for students. They can use this email address to report any wellbeing concerns they may have, seek health and wellbeing information, ask questions and provide suggestions for wellbeing activities. A member of the wellbeing team checks this email regularly and responses to students are provided within 48 hours.
Jenny Sanchez
Wellbeing Leader