Assistant Principal News

It has been a big start to 2021 for Year 7. Firstly, we wish to thank Parents and Carers for their support and attendance at the recent Year 7 New Parents Evening. The evening provided parents with a snapshot of the ways that their students will engage with teachers and peers during Homeroom, through their Pastoral Leader Ms Trish Star, through the care offered from the College Wellbeing Programs, the range of exciting learning initiatives at the College and the strong Faith and Spirituality developed. It was pleasing to see so many Year 7 parents and carers willing to be part of the partnership between School and homelife. We look forward to continue to work with you in the coming six years.


Last Friday, Year 7 celebrated their Community Day together. They spent time in their Homerooms playing games, completing challenges and working with their Peer Support leaders. They finished the day with a Year 7 Liturgy which further highlighted the spiritual connection possessed within the College. Thank you to Ms Star, the Yr 7 Homeroom team, Peers Support Leaders as well as Mrs Aventi our Liturgy Coordinator for your organisation and support of the day.


To further enhance the College environment, our School Police Liaison Officer Senior Constable Alex Davies visited Marian last Wednesday to speak to the different year groups about relevant issues including bullying, Cybersafety and legalities surrounding sexting and the distribution of inappropriate material. At Marian we are acutely aware of the link between irresponsible use of social media platforms and the mental health of young people. Understanding where they stand with regards to the law, as well as what actions to take when confronted with an unwanted ‘cyber’ situation, should allow students to further develop their resilience. 


To continue building the essential skills of resilience and self awareness the Leaders of Year 7, 8 and 9 have undertaken training to implement the Friendship Program during our fortnightly Academic Pastoral Care lessons. This program focuses on the development of self, understanding mental health, skills regarding the building and sustaining of appropriate friendships which will ultimately enhance resilience skills. Coupled with our GROWTH goals students are able to clearly articulate their academic and social needs while developing essential skills.


At our first College Assembly this year, we were excited to launch our new Marian Cup for 2021. The Marian Cup will be awarded to the House who receives the most Merits awards online on Compass. Students have from now until the end of the year the accrue their merits and contribute towards winning the Marian Cup. Last year an amazing 4,468 merits were given out over the course of a Covid-19 interrupted year - an amazing effort. Last year, the Marian Cup would have been awarded to Marcellin, who narrowly defeated the other houses. Who will be the winner this year?


Finally, we are also excited to share the new professional learning that our staff are engaging in for 2021. As research suggests, staff professional development and learning is one of the largest effect sizes in improving student outcomes and engagement. As such, the College is the first school in the Diocese to fund an internal Professional Learning Program embedded into teacher timetables (an hour once every fortnight).


Teachers are split into small Professional Learning Teams of 8-9 staff who work through a planned program to build capacity. Initially, staff have unpacked our College Annual Improvement Plan for 2021 and reflected on their own practice in relation to these focus areas. In the current cycle, staff are evaluating their own skills in relation to the Australian Professional Standards and are using this reflection to plan their professional learning goals 2021. As leaders, we are using the data collected from staff during these sessions to shape our Professional Learning program for 2021 and classroom initiatives for students.


Yours in Learning,

Lora Segrave and Damien Herb

Co-Assistant Principals