A note from Mr Jackson

Welcome Back
Our students were welcomed back with excitement this morning. A special thanks to teachers, students and parents for making the most of this brief period of home learning. Although most of our COVID Safe Plan continues unchanged from last week, consistent with advice for the broader community, visitors and parents, must wear a face mask at school (unless an exception applies) in all indoor spaces and in all outdoor spaces when 1.5m physical distance cannot be maintained.
Working Bee on this Friday 19 February
We encourage parents to join us to shift some softfall to the drop zones of our playgrounds on Friday evening. Come with a wheelbarrow and some sturdy shoes – all are welcome. You can bring some snips or handsaws that will help prune eye level branches in our gardens. Everyone is invited to help out. A brief gathering at 3:45pm outside the staffroom will ensure we can ensure the event is safe. A sausage sizzle after we have shifted the softfall will be a great end to a big week. Come for an hour or two, everyone’s contribution makes a difference. Please make sure you sign in using the QR code available outside the admin building.
Weekly Assembly
All are invited to our Friday assembly that is planned outside on Friday at 3:00pm. This week our Prep students will join us for the first time and students from 1W will be sharing their learning. Parents are asked to ensure they have registered using the QR code available on posters outside the administration building. This is a requirement for anyone onsite for more than 15 minutes.
‘Helping Children Read’ Workshop
Parents are encouraged to book in for the ‘Helping Children Read’ Workshop next Thursday evening and Friday morning. It’s a chance to learn some simple strategies that constructively support and encourage students. More information is available in the newsletter!
District Swimming Carnival on Thursday Next Week
A small but enthusiastic group of webbed Rosanna Primary students will be joining Ms Zealley at the District Swimming Carnival on Thursday. We wish them every success and look forward to checking in on their experience next week.
Student Leadership Assembly
All are invited on Friday 26 February to celebrate the leadership of our School Captains, House Captains, Junior School Council and Sustainability Agents. They are looking forward to receiving their badges and continuing their important role of shaping our community. Parents are invited to share in an afternoon tea, provided by FORPS, prior to the Assembly.
Thinking About Our Values
Last year we had planned to spend some time reviewing our school values. We are eager to revisit the review after a disrupted year in 2020. Our values of Cooperation, Excellence, Respect as well as Honesty and Responsibility have informed our classroom teaching and shaped our discussions over many years. Over the coming semester we will be inviting students, parents and teachers to share their perspectives on our current values and how they might be refreshed or changed in order to respond to our current community. Stay tuned for news ahead.