Catholic Identity & Mission News


As Catholics around the world prepared for the start of the season of Lent (the six week season of penance and preparation leading up to Easter), we at St. Peter’s College geared ourselves up for our annual rituals of Pancake Tuesday, Ash Wednesday services and Project Compassion launches and then suddenly, the brakes were put on as we entered lockdown! It was a bit frustrating that some activities had to be cancelled and others adjusted to suit remote schooling, but then I received a timely reminder of perspective when a colleague, Jeanette Di Giulio, forwarded some words from Pope Francis about things that we could fast from this Lent.

Fasting, in one form or another, is encouraged in Lent as in denying ourselves we can focus more fully on God, can feel greater solidarity with those in need, and can come to a greater appreciation of the privileges and blessings we can take for granted. It’s common in Lent to ‘give up something’ but this year, Pope Francis urges us to fast from attitudes and actions that harm ourselves and others like saying words that hurt, worrying, complaining or being pessimistic.  It has been a tough 12 months with the stresses and changes brought about by COVD-19 and so perhaps these attitudes that cause harm and hurt to ourselves and others have been more common in our day to day lives. This season of Lent, and Pope Francis’ words, are hopefully a good ‘wake-up call’ and reminder to try to be our best selves. 


To ‘Be More’ is the theme of this year’s Project Compassion campaign. It’s based on the words of St Oscar Romero, one of our House patrons at St Peter’s: ‘Aspire not to have more, but to be more’. It is exciting and inspiring to see many of our students energized to ‘be more’ by Caritas’ Project Compassion campaign – our major Social Justice awareness and fundraising focus for Term 1. Already there are initiatives being planned for our upcoming swimming carnival days, on campus BBQ’s and car washes, and advocacy through technology/art projects in our VCAL program. Caritas Australia does incredible work both in Australia and overseas. Last year’s COVID crisis saw them mobilised to help people in need, while unfortunately also taking a hit to their own income as a result of the pandemic. We really hope that we can contribute something really positive to Caritas this year, both financially and in spirit! You can support Caritas and Project Compassion directly too, by donating at :- 

Finally, I would just like to flag with you that in 2021, St. Peter’s College is participating in the Enhancing Catholic Identity project with DOSCEL and the Catholic University in Leuven, Belgium. In Term 1, we ask our school community to participate in surveys about our attitudes and beliefs in terms of Catholic Identity. The surveys are in no ways ‘tests’ but rather, they will enable us to better understand our community and identify areas where we can improve in work and practice as a Catholic school. Staff and students will conduct their surveys at school and parents are asked to please provide their invaluable contribution at a time of their convenience. More information is included in this newsletter, and will be sent to you via Operoo next week. If you have any questions or concerns about this, or anything relating to Catholic Identity and Mission at St. Peter’s College, please contact me at any time. 


Fiona McKenna

Deputy Principal - Catholic Identity & Mission